(Tip: When cooking lentils you should always add plenty of salt or they will give you terrible flatulence!)


250g brown lentils
one medium onion
1½ cups brown breadcrumbs
170g mushrooms
2 tbsps chopped parsley
113g grated cheddar
egg (optional)

Boil lentils in enough water to cover until almost cooked. Drain. Fry onions until slightly golden and add sliced mushrooms. Mix lentils, onions, mushrooms, a little crushed rosemary, marjoram, oregano, parsley, breadcrumbs, cheese, salt and pepper, place mixture in a greased loaf tin and top with grated cheese.

Bake at 190C for 30 to 35 minutes. Serve with roast potatoes cooked in half butter and half oil with a bit of Marmite (or Vegemite).


4 cups cooked lentils
¾ cup chopped nuts
2/3 cup breadcrumbs
¼ cup chopped tender celery
¼ teaspoon sage 2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon butter
salt to taste

Add half the oil to the lentils and enough cold water to cook tender and almost dry. Then mash the lentils. Braise the chopped onion and celery in the remaining oil and the butter, slowly until tender, but not brown. Beat the eggs lightly. Mix all ingredients together and bake in oiled and crumbed brick-shaped tin about 30 minutes in moderate oven. Test centre with knife.


250g lentils
1 egg
1 stick celery
1 onion
1 tspn chopped parsley
pinch vegetable salt
pinch mixed herbs
1 cup wholemeal breadcrumbs
sunflower oil for frying

Cook lentils in boiling salted water ½ hour, drain. Combine lentils with beaten egg, herbs, parsley, vegetable salt and finely chopped celery. Mix well; form into patties, roll in breadcrumbs; saute in hot sunflower oil until browned on both sides. Serves 4.


1 cup lentils
2 tablespoons grated cheese
1 cup rice (or macaroni)
½ cup peeled tomatoes
¼ cup wheatmeal
mashed potato crust
1 onion (minced or fried)
1 tablespoon peanut butter

Cook lentils, rice and onion (boil). Add other ingredients. Place all in buttered ovenware dish with mashed potato crust 2½ cm thick, and knobs of cheese. Bake 1 hour in moderate oven. Garnish with parsley.


425-450g can savoury lentils
425g can tomato soup
1½ cups reconstituted skim milk
1 tomato
½ cup cream
1 dessertspoon chopped parsley

Heat tomato soup and milk, add the partly mashed lentils. Bring to the boil; add peeled, finely chopped tomato just before serving. Top each serving with a spoonful of whipped cream, sprinkle with parsley. Serves 6.

(Note: Red lentils are high in protein and fibre. They have a mild spicy flavour and require no soaking and cook to a puree in a short time.)

500g packet red lentils
1 medium onion
1 stick celery (optional)
stock cube (chicken or beef)
2 tspn cumin powder
1 clove garlic, finely chopped (optional)
salt and pepper (to taste)
coriander/parsley (optional)
cream (optional)

In a pan, place lentils, chopped onion, chopped celery, stock cube, cumin, garlic, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil with enough water to cover until cooked. Simmer until soft. Check consistency and seasoning. Top each serving with a spoonful of cream, sprinkle of chopped coriander or parsley.


1 large onion finely chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 slices fresh ginger
1 tspn tumeric
250g red lentils, washed
750mls hot water
1-2 tspns garam masala
Optional: 1 finely sliced onion fried golden in 1 tablespoon ghee

Fry onion, gently in oil until golden. Add next three ingredients and fry gently for 1 minute. Add lentils and water, bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add garam masala, and continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until dahl resembles thick porridge. Serve dahl plain or garnished with fried onion.

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